8th Edition of Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TzIGF 2021)

The eighth edition of Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TzIGF) will take from 11th to15th October 2021 in the commercial City of Dar es salaam with activities in Zanzibar since Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous part of the United Republic of Tanzania.
The Agenda is under planning by the Multistakholder Organizing Committee. The meeting will be hosted onsite with possibility for a meaningful online participation.
Unlike in the past events where the meeting was only a one or two day’s event, this time around it will be a whole week with activities involving students, the youth in the Youth Internet Governance Forum, Members of Parliament (MPs) in a policy workshop, and the Forum itself that will bring all the key stakeholders. The theme of our forum will mirror this year’s UN IGF theme; The Internet United!
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