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8th Edition of Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TzIGF 2021)

8th Edition of Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TzIGF 2021)

The eighth edition of Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TzIGF) will take from 11th to15th October 2021 in the commercial City of Dar es salaam with activities in Zanzibar since Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous part of the United Republic of Tanzania. The Agenda is under planning by the Multistakholder Organizing Committee.  The meeting will be hosted onsite with possibility for a meaningful online participation. Unlike in the past events where the meeting was only a one or two day’s event, this time around it will be a whole week with activities involving students, the youth in......

TzIGF 2020

TzIGF 2020

The 7th Edition of Tanzania Internet Governance Forum (TzIGF) will be hosted by Internet Society Tanzania Chapter online using zoom platform. The discussion will center on four main thematic tracks: (1) Data; (2) Environment; (3) Inclusion; (4) Trust....

Tanzania IGF 2019

Tanzania IGF 2019

While it is was initially a European celebration, data privacy is now a global issue and we now have a reason to celebrate Data Protection Day in Tanzania. The Tanzanian Data Protection Bill assented to the law on the 8th of November, 2019 and its date of commencement was on the 25th of November, 2019. This is Tanzania’s first data protection law, promulgated 9 years later after the Constitution which enshrines the right to privacy in Article 31. The Data Protection Act law gives effect to article 31(c) and (d) which recognize the......

Tanzania Zonal Schools of Internet Governance (TaZoSIGs)

Tanzania Zonal Schools of Internet Governance (TaZoSIGs)

Tanzania is an expansive country which covers 947,300 square meters of the surface of the earth. It is a combined size of the Regions of Dar es salaam, Dodoma, Arusha and etc. The country has 26 regions and 126 sub regions (or districts). The 26 regions are also placed into 7 zones with regions that are in close proximity with each other. According to data obtained from National Bureau of Statistics each of the 26 regions has an average population of 1.8 million people with exception of the commercial capital Dar es Salaam, which......

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